pressure calculator. | Calculates pressure according to the shift of the ruby R1 fluorescence line (hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic scales) and Sm-doped SrB4O7 fluorescence line. For T<400 K. |
Fluorescence pressure calculator. | Calculates pressure according to the shift of the ruby R1 fluorescence line (hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic scales) and Sm-doped SrB4O7 fluorescence line. For all temperatures. |
X-ray diffraction pressure calculator. | Calculates pressure according to the equation of state of 16 pressure calibrants from the reduced volume, d-spacing, energy or angle of any given Bragg reflexion. |
Pressure standard XRD simulator. | Calculates the d-spacings and angle or energy positions of the Bragg reflections of 16 pressure standards (metals, salts and oxides) at a given pressure. |
X-ray diffraction pattern simulator. | Calculates the d-spacings and angle or energy dispersive positions of the Bragg reflections of any crystal at a given pressure using an implemented equation of state (Vinet, Birch-Murnaghan, Murnaghan). |